Sunday, May 29, 2016

Mr. and Mrs. Chad Murdock

Chad and Christina Started Dating in 2008, They met at church and they fell in love! they both served LDS missions and then on May 28th, 2016 they were sealed for time and all Eternity in the New Provo city center Temple. Here are some pictures of them.
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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Saturday is a special day....

SATURDAY IS A SPECIAL DAY... its also my favorite day out of the week!!!! crazy sounding yes, but I get to sleep in until about 9:00 am, then I clean my house so its in order, and then I relax and watch movies pretty much ALL day.

In Charlotte NC, its been rainy, overcast, humid , but it kind of reminds me of Utah Springs!!! cold, rainy, but lovley at the same time.


Monday, May 9, 2016

Hello! It's been F O R E V E R 5.9.26

Hey guys! It's been forever but get ready cause I finally figured out why I couldn't access my blog. Anyways here's the latest

 This is my nickname and my brother Alex brown is getting it ™! Happy belated Mother's Day to everyone  of my girlfriends and my sweet mom Virgina all my Grandmas my aunts etc. Mother's Day SHOULD BE EVERYDAY!!! 5.9.2016